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Thank you from Gravesites of Tasmania.

Church of England Section H

(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)

To make searching for a headstone easier please refer to the Millingtons website (formally Cornelian Bay) to find out what section your relative or ancestor is buried.Cornelian Bay Search

Adlard Thomas James Davies Kenneth Bertrand Jolly John Oldham Benjamin Teed Jane
Armstrong Clara Davies Margaret Jolly Sarah Hogan Oldham Elizabeth Sharp Thompson Henry Wills
  Davies Marie Lindsay Jones Henry   Thompson John
B Davies Mary Elizabeth Jones Margaret P Trewhella Grace Emmaline
Baas Christopher Wm Davies Ruby Alice Jordon William John Parker Arthur Charles Trewhella James Crenfell
Baas Christian F W Davies Sarah Ann   Parker Florence Mary Turner Charlotte
Bailey Isaac Davies Sydney George L Peacock William T Turner Eric William
Ball Martha E Davies Violet Louise Linnell Alice Peck Samuel Thomas Turner William Frederick
Ball Thomas Davis Edith Emily Linnell Annie Chambers Pegus Captain Twaits Rose Rebecca
Barker Grace Davis Elizabeth Jane Lily Linnell Dora C Pegus Constania Rosa  
Barker William Davis Richard Archibald Linnell John Pegus Georgina Frances Charlotte U
Bennett Albert Dinham Sarah Ann Linnell John 1 Pegus Mary Sophia Unknown2
Bennett Elizabeth Ann Dinham Walter Francis Linnell Sarah Pell Jane Julianna Unknown 3
Bennett James Doran John Long David Perry Alfred Herbert Unknown 4
Bennett Maria Charlotte Doran Sarah Long Elizabeth Perry John S Unknown 5
Bennett May Elizabeth Dromgole Sarah Long Elizabeth Georgina Perry Samuel Unknown 6
Bennett Richard Jonathan   Long Enoch George Porthouse Dorothy Unknown Charles
Bennett William B E Long Richard Maurice Porthouse John Unknown Eliza Frances
Benson Sarah Mary Ebdon Arthur Lord Emily Probin Arthur William Unknown Elizabeth
Bower Frances Emma Ebdon Frederick   Probin Elizabeth Unknown George
Bower John Ebdon Virginia M Probin Samuel Charles Unknown Norman
Bradford Mary Ann Jane Evans William Males Coral Ismay   Unknown Robert
Buchanan Eva Elizabeth   Males Sarah R  
Buchanan Mary Alice F Males Susan Read Georgina May V
Burrows Emily Fettes Emma Males William Read John Valentine Adelaide Rosavena
Burt Annie Finney Sarah Males William Henry Read Nancy Madge Valentine Arthur C
Burt Richard Roday Fisher Alice Males William James Read Ruby Valentine Francis David
Burt Ruby Fisher William Maum Archibald Garrett Reid Arthur George Valentine Louisa Winnie
Byland Harriett Freeman James William Maum Charles Edward Richards John Valentine Oscar C Minty
  Freeman Mary Maum Maria Richards Margaret Vimpany Edith Isabel May
C   Maum William James Rogers Joseph Lawrence Vimpany Edmund
Campbell Vera May G McWilliams Eliza   Vimpany Henry J F
Cantley Nathaniel Garrard Ann McWilliams Lizzie S Vimpany Josephine
Chapman Ann Glover Ernest G J McWilliams Robert George Sanders Hannah Vimpany Ruby Elvena
Chapman Edward Samuel Glover Thomas McWilliams Sarah Sanders Margaret Vimpany Sarah
Clayton Eliza Gray Peter McWilliams Thomas Cole Scarborough William Vimpany William Amos Arthur
Clayton Matthew Gray Unknown Melville Emily Schuetz George C B William  
Cowle Albert Stanley Grimston Henry Melville Fred Schuetz Henrietta Sophia W
Cowle Arthur James Grimston Rose Melville John Seabrook Helen Walton Arthur Wellesly
Cowle James Grimston Susan Melville Robert Andrew Sears John Walton Charles Tasman
Cowle Mary Grimston Thomas Meredith Elizabeth Sherwood Frederick Robert Walton Harold Bailey
Cox Jane Chambers   Meredith George Campbell Sherwood Henry Edward Walton Louisa Isabel
Crane Ellen H Meredith Gladys Alice Sherwood William Walton Mathinna
Crane James Harrington Claude Blackwell Miller Elizabeth Anne Silver Alexander Claude Walton Mildred Rose
Cruise Jane Harrington Esther Miller Elizabeth McLeod Silver Frank Hokin Walton Rosina
Cruise Mary Ann Harrington John Miller Ernest George Slade Charles Francis Walton Thomas Albert
Cruise William Haynes 1 Miller James Slingsby Amelia Hannah Walton William
Curtis George Haynes John Miller Joseph Slingsby Thomas Joseph Whiteley William Henry
  Hewer Annie C Miller William James Slore Alfred E Wilkie Henrietta Constania Violet
D Hewer Charles Minty Alfred Slore Eliza J Williams Eliza Wentworth
Darling Albert Charles Hewer John M Minty Charles Slore Eliza Marion Williams Tudor Henry
Darling Elizabeth Osborne Hinds John Minty Jacob Smales Holbert Bent Williamson David
Darling Frederick Hooper Emily Mary Minty Maria Ulalia Smales Jane Williamson Eliza
Davies Cecil Bertrand Hope Blanche A E Minty Mary Elizabeth Smales Joseph Holbert Williamson Elizabeth
Davies Charles Reginald Hope Grace A Moore Annie Smales Mary Elizabeth Williamson Robert
Davies Constance C Hope Richard Moore Emily Smith Mealey Williamson Thomas
Davies Elizabeth Hope Rosanna Moore Helen Jane   Winch Lydia
Davies Ellis Giblin Horrocks Elsie   T Winch William Henry
Davies Elsie Madeline Howe Sarah Whiteley N Tarelton Edward Wood Anthony
Davies Esma Laura Howell Jessie H Nance Richard James Newman Tarelton Frederick Wood Sarah Janette
Davies George Francis Howells Ann Southern Nance Emma Tarelton George Wood William Jeffery
Davies Graeme George   Nance James Tarelton Mary  
Davies Graeme George 1 J Nance Richard Taylor Francis Y
Davies Ivy Almar Jackson Lucie Mabel Norton Hannah Taylor John T Young Elizabeth Mockridge
Davies John Johnson Frederick Norton Samuel Taylor Mary  
Davies John George Johnson Jessie Ann   Teed William Henry  
  Johnson William      

Thankyou to David Budd for his updated photo of  James William & Mary Freeman



Please note that there might be information from other websites or brochures "reprinted" here- under the laws of "fair use". In every instance -we hope- we have provided a direct link to the owners web site. We do not claim rights or ownership to any of their information. We do thank them sincerely for their efforts. We have in every instance made a good faith effort to contact and request 'reprint' permission. Nonetheless, we do want to be certain that nothing gets lost due to web site disappearanceand the like, so it appears duplicated here.

Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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